Nome del prodotto: Soggiorno | Soggiorno arioso e chiaro, in cui la libreria Caffeine, il tavolino Robusta, lo sgabello Cocoa e il tappeto Jute sono i punti salienti
Descrizione: Dalla forma irregolare, ispirata alla disformità delle pianure subsahariane dove viene coltivata la famosa Coffea Robusta, questo centrotavola ha una presenza morbida ma allo stesso tempo accattivante. I suoi due piani in marmo riprendono le sfumature di marrone dei pregiati chicchi di caffè e poggiano perfettamente su una delicata e continua gamba in bronzo. Il pezzo perfetto per fornire un complemento semplice e neutro a un interno moderno.
Domkapa. Product name: Domkapa | Pantoni Table Description: Creating an open-plan, multifunctional living space in your home isn’t just about knocking down walls. This February, Domkapa shows you how to elevate your open-plan furniture into a living and dining area that connects beautifully. In the dining area, the Stranger chair is the centrepiece of the furniture. With a camel leather backrest and a beige textured fabric on the seat, it creates a soft contrast to the black textured steel frame. In the living room, a harmonious yet exuberant combination of shapes, materials and colours matches the beautiful dining room. In a fabric similar to the Stranger Armchair, the Shinto modular sofa creates comfort, accentuated by the brown cushions. At the same time, these details are enhanced by the coffee and side tables, Panton, with bronze glass tops. All these pieces, handmade in Portugal from top quality materials, also work perfectly because they are set in an industrial architecture with elements of nature and natural light, enhancing every detail and elevating this open-plan furniture to another level.