Citazione Rug'Society
Nome del prodotto: Salotto Arancione con Tappeto SPIRIT
Descrizione: Nella Magia Occidentale oltre ai quattro elementi base c'è un Quinto Elemento Nobile: Etere o Spirito, raffigurato in questo caso da due forze invincibili Tigre e Leone, due predatori con forza e resistenza senza pari. SPIRIT traduce le forze della natura in comunione con la forza dello spirito.
Nedgis Quotation Product name: TABLE LAMP, MODEL 548, ORANGE, BLACK BRASS, LED, 2700K, 730LM, Ø50CM, H50CM – ASTEP Description: Here is the table lamp model 548 from the Italian company Astep, it is the famous designer Gino Sarfatti who is behind its creation! In fact, the founder of Astep, Alessandro Sarfatti, wanted to pay tribute to his grandfather by republishing these works. Orange in colour with a black brass frame, this lamp is a perfect image of Italian retro style. This fixture was originally designed in 1951 and was reprinted in 2013!