Citazione Rug'Society
Nome del prodotto: Salotto Arancione con Tappeto SPIRIT
Descrizione: Nella Magia Occidentale oltre ai quattro elementi base c'è un Quinto Elemento Nobile: Etere o Spirito, raffigurato in questo caso da due forze invincibili Tigre e Leone, due predatori con forza e resistenza senza pari. SPIRIT traduce le forze della natura in comunione con la forza dello spirito.
Quote Heating & Plumbing London. Product name: ‘Happy Go Sparkly’ Champagne Bucket – Orange Leather Strap Description: Our ‘Happy Go Sparkly’ champagne bucket was designed with memorable parties in mind. Colourful and fun, it can be paired with a range of playful party charmers to bring the party to life. We paired a transparent bucket with a short orange leather shoulder strap for easy carrying. It can be used for a party or a relaxing evening at home. The base of the champagne cooler is shaped so that the bottle is slightly inclined and can be well covered with ice and remain very cold. The bucket comes in an elegant navy blue cotton case with a wonderful quote on Balzac’s Love & Champagne. It is simply perfect as a gift! The bucket is made in France while the leather strap is made in the UK.