Sophisticated atmospheres in the Abu Dhabi penthouse
Dinner time is sacred, so Breve II Dining Table and Panna Dining Chair, from Caffe Latte, are the right companies to
enjoy hot and sweet meals, reinforcing the idea that less is more, and extending the brand's domain to Canephora, an
authentic and contemporary mirror. The dining room also features Naicca, the well-known bastion of mass chandeliers. Photo credits: CAFFE LATTE
A calm and tranquil atmosphere can only be achieved with the thing we love most: our home. There, we´ll find the comfort and well-being needed to regain energy in order to face the darkest times. Beige tones are always the safest to use in home decoration since they guarantee the necessary harmony and naturalness, essential characteristics of any contemporary modern style fan. Photo credits: CAFFE LATTE.